Saturday, January 19, 2013

Do You Know These People?

In January 2012, Lee and I began telling friends and family of our plans to adopt. Yes! One year ago we filled out paperwork and officially began this journey! It's hard to believe that an entire year has already passed.

Emotions ran wild in January 2012. We received multiple responses from friends and family regarding our adoption decision. Some good. Some not so good.

Excited. Sad. Frustrated. Nervous. Anxious. The list of emotions we were experiencing went on and on.

An overarching theme ran through mine and Lee's conversations during the course of the months that followed.
Please God or please people?
Seems like a simple answer. But, my oh my, is it one of the most complex forks in the road that is present in everyone's life to some degree.

We were at this fork in the road.

Never before had I stood in this place with such strong, life changing emotions filling my soul. Daily we laid down things right there at the fork and had to choose. God or People.
We laid down relationships, social status, a status quo future, etc. etc.
We wept (literally) as we laid each of these down. I have never felt the voice of God whisper so plainly to me as I did in those days... "Abby, do you love me more?" I repeated out loud over and over "yes"... "yes" God I love you more.
It was a whisper at first... "yes."
A whisper that came from an exhausted soul. Eyes filled with tears. Mourning the potential "loss" of so much that was comfortable to me.. The potential loss of relationships with people that I loved.

And He was there. Delighting to meet us at every corner. Filling our difficult days with unbelievable sweetness that could only come from Him.

Constant whispers of encouragement that rang in our ears... "keep walking kids. Keep walking. Don't look back!"

Breathe in. Breathe out. One foot in front of the other.

One particular night of encouragement to keep moving forward began with a difficult day. A difficult day that left Lee and I sitting in the living room saying, "we feel so alone. I wish we could talk to someone who understood."
But we didn't know anyone personally.

"Oh yeah, Lee, do you remember that couple who led our adoption class tat church? I think I am friends with her on Facebook for some reason."

A desperate facebook message to a sweet girl we had only briefly met, ended with an invitation to dinner at their house one night that week!

As we pulled into their neighborhood, Lee said, "so remind how YOU know these people."
I laughed and said, "umm I don't KNOW either often. I know OF them."
Lee laughed and said, "oh well! We have to talk to SOMEBODY!" as we pulled into the drive hoping we had found the right house.

They greeted us with hugs and our night began.

After the ice was broken, the husband said, "As y'all were on your way over here I asked my wife how she knew y'all." She replied, "I don't, but I love it that they are coming to chat!"

We all laughed as we had had the same conversation.

We left that night encouraged and excited to keep walking the journey to our son!

A friendship began.

Can I just tell y'all that we LOVE this couple? They are leaders in our church. They have been such a blessing to us over the past year!

And today. Approx ONE year after we stepped foot into their home, this sweet couple landed in Ethiopia last night!! They will meet their son and go to court for his adoption over the course of the next few days! I am rejoicing in God's faithfulness in their journey!

Would you please pray for them over the next few days?
Pray for bonding and attachment with their son.
Pray for an easy court process.
Pray for their hearts as they have to return without their son on this first trip!

Thank you so much for praying!

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